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Hang Loose Real McCoy Rum Cocktail

Our Curator, Emily Falke, created this cocktail recipe for our Surf the Big Wave fundraiser using Real McCoy Rum. Toast to our 20th Anniversary!

Hang Loose Real McCoy Rum Cocktail

Makes 1 cocktailIngredients:

3 ounces fresh pineapple juice
2 ounces fresh orange juice
1 ounce 5 year aged Real McCoy Rum
1 splash grenadine
1 ounce 12 year aged Real McCoy Rum
1 lime slice for garnish

Directions: In a tall glass, pour in pineapple juice, orange juice and 5 year aged Real McCoy Rum. Stir gently. Add ice then slowly pour in splash of grenadine which will sink to the bottom giving you that gorgeous color. Float 12 year aged Real McCoy Rum on top and garnish with lime slice.

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Maybe there's a happy little waterfall happening over here. A little happy sunlight shining through there. Take your time. Speed will come later. God gave you this gift of imagination. Use it. Once you learn the technique, ohhh! Turn you loose on the world; you become a tiger. Work on one thing at a time.