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Home » Museum Logbook » The Deeper Dive Series: Stearns Wharf, Historical Gateway to Santa Barbara with Neal Graffy, Episode 3

The Deeper Dive Series: Stearns Wharf, Historical Gateway to Santa Barbara with Neal Graffy, Episode 3

Virtually locked by mountains at either end, Santa Barbara has long looked to the sea for food, trade, and supplies. Chumash tomols, Spanish supply ships, and Boston hide and tallow vessels provided for the community in their respective eras. In the 1870s, John Peck Stearns and his new wharf literally opened Santa Barbara’s front door and the world rushed in. In  episode three of The Deeper Dive Series, the story of all this and so much more will be revealed.

Generously funded by Bill & Marian Nasgovitz and STS Foundation/Peter & Nini Seaman
Photos provided by the Santa Barbara Historical Museum

Watch Episode 3 of The Deeper Dive Series here:

Watch Neal Graffy’s full lecture from October 15, 2020 here:


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Maybe there's a happy little waterfall happening over here. A little happy sunlight shining through there. Take your time. Speed will come later. God gave you this gift of imagination. Use it. Once you learn the technique, ohhh! Turn you loose on the world; you become a tiger. Work on one thing at a time.